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A Dog Living Under an Abandoned House in Bad Shape Doesn’t Trust Anyone

A Dog Living Under an Abandoned House in Bad Shape Doesn’t Trust Anyone Omg poor baby thank god hes ok and loving life sending hugs and kisses to him I hope that […]

A Dog Living Under an Abandoned House in Bad Shape Doesn’t Trust Anyone

Omg poor baby thank god hes ok and loving life sending hugs and kisses to him I hope that a beautiful family will adopt him and love him unconditionally god bless the women who found him and saved him.

This dog, who lost use of his back legs, is rescued from under an abandoned house and is SO excited to finally have wheels — now all he needs is a family!

This is truly ‘Shocking ‘ man is truly a monster to other animals and our own kind. Thank you for saving this pit bull ‘Baby’ . Keep up the great work !!

Full story below!

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