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No One Wants This Puppy. Then Someone Gave Him a Chance in a Happy Life.

Biggie’s story is a heartwarming tale of how one puppy’s life was changed by a chance encounter. No one wanted Biggie, but then someone gave him a chance at life. That someone […]

Biggie’s story is a heartwarming tale of how one puppy’s life was changed by a chance encounter. No one wanted Biggie, but then someone gave him a chance at life. That someone was Scott, who stumbled upon a sign advertising German Shepherd puppies while driving through a little farm town in Idaho called Payette.

When Scott saw Biggie, he fell in love with him instantly, despite the fact that he had a hernia. Scott knew he had to take Biggie home with him and give him the best life he could. And that’s exactly what he did.

Scott and Biggie share a bond that is hard to put into words. Biggie is an intense goofball who loves to be in the mountains, swim in alpine lakes, and run free in wide-open spaces. Scott takes him on new adventures to give him new experiences and make sure he is always happy and healthy.

But taking care of Biggie is no easy feat. Scott has to exercise him for at least two hours a day just to keep his energy levels manageable. But it’s all worth it because Biggie brings so much joy to Scott’s life.

Recently, Biggie was in ICU for three nights, and Scott was devastated. He slept next to Biggie every night and couldn’t wait to have him back home. Now that Biggie is back to full health, Scott doesn’t take a single moment for granted. He knows that dogs live in the moment, and he wants to make sure that Biggie’s present is the best he can give.

Biggie’s story is a reminder that every dog deserves a chance at life, no matter how unwanted or unloved they may seem. And when someone takes a chance on them, they can bring so much joy and happiness into their lives. Thank you, Scott, for giving Biggie the chance he deserved.

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