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Beni’s Journey From Starvation and Scars to a Loving Home

Beni, a poor dog, was found shivering in front of a shop in Córdoba, weak and on the brink of collapse. It was clear that he hadn’t eaten in a long time. […]

Beni, a poor dog, was found shivering in front of a shop in Córdoba, weak and on the brink of collapse. It was clear that he hadn’t eaten in a long time. With the help of oxygen support, Beni slowly regained his strength.

During his medical bath, we discovered numerous wounds all over his body. Despite the pain, Beni proved to be intelligent and receptive to love. It was heartbreaking to see his bony frame struggling to heal his injured skin.

Whenever we left him alone, Beni became upset and depressed. He would follow us around, seeking our affection and company. To prevent him from injuring himself further, we gave him a new shirt, which he eventually grew accustomed to.

After a few days of recovery, Beni was adopted by a loving godmother who took him home to a life full of love and care. Today, he enjoys his new home and is no longer the same weak, scared, and lonely dog we found on that fateful day.