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The Resilience of Yaki, the Dog who Survived Abandonment and a Car Accident

Yaki was found alone on the side of the road, looking like he had been hit by a car and abandoned. Without hesitation, his rescuer took him to the vet for an […]

Yaki was found alone on the side of the road, looking like he had been hit by a car and abandoned. Without hesitation, his rescuer took him to the vet for an X-ray check. Fortunately, there were no fractures, but there was compression between his sixth and seventh vertebrae.

To make matters worse, Yaki couldn’t urinate on his own, and his rescuer had to use a catheter to pour urine through. Despite his pain, Yaki remained friendly, wagging his tail and showing his sweet nature.


Yaki underwent blood parasite tests and biochemistry, and with good results, he was taken home to his rescuer’s shelter. However, the journey to recovery was far from over. Yaki needed good nutrition and high-quality drugs to treat his parasites, as well as a month’s worth of vitamins and oxycline.

With the help of his dedicated rescuer and the support of the community, Yaki started to regain his strength. He even climbed on his paws, showing the incredible resilience of animals in the face of adversity.

Yaki’s story is a testament to the power of love and care for animals in need. With the right treatment and support, even the most traumatized and injured animals can recover and thrive. Yaki’s happy ending is a reminder that no animal should ever be abandoned or left to suffer alone.