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The Little Puppy Was Wet From the Previous Night’s Rain and Paralyzed With No Chance of Walking to Save Herself

On September 16, 2022, the UPA received a call about an abandoned puppy inside a mortar can on the side of the highway. The little puppy had been there for at least […]

On September 16, 2022, the UPA received a call about an abandoned puppy inside a mortar can on the side of the highway. The little puppy had been there for at least three days before a company clearing bush on the highway noticed her and called for help.

When the UPA arrived, they found a heartbroken sight. The little puppy was wet from the previous night’s rain and paralyzed with no chance of walking to save herself. She had hidden herself in that mortar can, shivering and sobbing. But in her eyes, there was an immense desire to live. It was unimaginable that someone would dump her with that look.

The UPA found that the little puppy had crawled herself and hurt her knee, which was evidence that her previous owner had tortured her and made her paralyzed. Despite suffering so much, she was super well-behaved. The UPA immediately started with RX, USG, and hemogram tests, which confirmed that she had anemia and “tick disease.” She was also a little dehydrated and had low blood levels. But she had been eating well and had a lot of will to live. They named her little Charlotte.

It was impossible to look at Charlotte and not feel love. She wanted to be hugged badly, even though she was still in a special room. Charlotte got better and was allowed to go home. It was quite new for Charlotte, and she explored her room. She was also much happier when she could play with the staff at the center. Charlotte started to make friends with others in the center, and she even got her new wheelchair.

On the first day outside by herself, she loved it. Charlotte gained more confidence the next day and started running. Now, she can meet her friends by herself, and she loves it. Although she is still in treatment, Charlotte is doing great. She has come a long way since she was found in the mortar can on the side of the highway. The UPA hopes she will have a great life, and they all love Charlotte.