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The Mother Dog and Her Cubs Were Thrown Into the Barn – Like Garbage

Thrown in a shed with her children – just like garbage. The inspectors picked up the starved bitch along with the puppies. Heartless inhabitants of Pilawa Dolna – Danuta S. and her […]

Thrown in a shed with her children – just like garbage. The inspectors picked up the starved bitch along with the puppies. Heartless inhabitants of Pilawa Dolna – Danuta S. and her son kept a dog mother and children in an unimaginable mess. On Thursday, the family abandoned their animals and left for Wrocław. They left the dogs without food or water for several days. The female dog gave birth on concrete. She is skinny, has overgrown claws and milk slat inflammation.

This is not the first case of animal cruelty in Poland, but it is one of the most shocking ones. Danuta S. and her son have shown a complete lack of empathy towards animals, treating them like disposable objects. The dogs, instead of being treated with love and care, were left to die in terrible conditions.

The inspectors who picked up the dogs were horrified by what they found. The mother dog and her puppies were covered in filth, surrounded by garbage and debris. The shed they were kept in had no windows, no ventilation, and no heating. The temperature outside was below freezing, and the dogs were left without any blankets or warm clothes to protect them from the cold.

The mother dog was severely malnourished, with her bones sticking out of her skin. Her eyes were dull, and she was barely able to stand. The puppies were also in a bad shape, weak and fragile. They were suffering from hypothermia and dehydration.

The inspectors immediately took the dogs to a veterinary clinic, where they were examined and treated. The mother dog was given intravenous fluids and antibiotics to treat her milk slat inflammation. She was also given special food to help her regain her strength. The puppies were given milk substitutes and were put in an incubator to keep them warm.

The dogs are now safe and sound, but their owners must face justice for what they have done. Neglecting animals is a crime in Poland, punishable by up to three years in prison. Danuta S. and her son must be held accountable for their actions, and they must be punished accordingly.

Animal cruelty is a serious problem in Poland, and it needs to be addressed. It is unacceptable to treat animals like disposable objects, to neglect them, and to abandon them. Animals are sentient beings, capable of feeling pain, fear, and love. They deserve to be treated with respect, kindness, and compassion.

The case of the starved bitch and her puppies should serve as a wake-up call for all of us. We must be vigilant, and we must report any cases of animal abuse or neglect that we witness. We must also support animal welfare organizations that work tirelessly to rescue and care for animals in need.

In other news, there is a heartwarming story of a cat named Hiro, who despite his disability, found his forever home. Two months ago, Hiro had to have both of his eyes removed due to complications from feline flu. Some people advised that he be euthanized, as they didn’t see any chances for him. However, as it turns out, disability doesn’t stop animals from living a normal life.