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Without Food and Water, She Lay There, Begging for Help

Meet Rona, a sweet and innocent puppy who had to endure a painful and difficult start to her life. She was found lying in a ditch for three days after being hit […]

Meet Rona, a sweet and innocent puppy who had to endure a painful and difficult start to her life. She was found lying in a ditch for three days after being hit by a car. Without food and water, she lay there, begging for help. But all the people who passed by were indifferent to her pain and suffering. It was only through the kindness of a stranger that Rona was given a chance at life.

I was walking along the side of the road when I saw Rona. She had lifted her head out of the grass, and her eyes begged me for help. I couldn’t believe that nobody had stopped to help her. It was heartbreaking to see her in so much pain and suffering, but I knew that I had to do something.

I took Rona to Vet4life, where she received immediate medical attention. Her injuries were severe, and she needed surgery to repair her broken pelvis, broken front limbs, and broken mouth. Dr. Luigi Carstinoiu performed the surgery, and I am forever grateful for his skill and dedication. But even with the surgery, Rona had a long road to recovery ahead of her.

As Rona lay in the hospital, I visited her every day. It was difficult to see her in such pain, but I knew that I had to be there for her. Rona was just a puppy, only 3-4 months old, and she needed all the love and care that she could get.

Over time, Rona’s condition improved. She received physical therapy and electrolytes to regain her mobility, and she slowly started to regain her strength. Every day, I saw her become more and more like the playful puppy that she was meant to be.

Rona deserved a chance at a happy life, and I knew that she would thrive in a loving family. So, I decided to reach out to the community for help. I started a fundraiser for Rona’s medical expenses and shared her story on social media. The response was overwhelming, and people from all over the world donated to her cause

Thanks to the generosity of others, Rona’s future is now looking brighter than ever. She has healed from her injuries and has found a loving forever family. She is now a happy and healthy puppy, and it’s all thanks to the kindness of strangers.

Rona’s story is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. We must never turn a blind eye to those who are suffering, for even the smallest act of kindness can make a world of difference. If you see an animal in need, please don’t hesitate to lend a helping hand. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.