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His Jaw Was Broken in Two Places, and He Was Whining in Pain

As an animal rescuer, there are some cases that hit you harder than others. When I received a call about a dog with a broken jaw, I knew this was going to […]

As an animal rescuer, there are some cases that hit you harder than others. When I received a call about a dog with a broken jaw, I knew this was going to be one of those cases. The caller told me that the dog, a young pup named Geo, was in urgent need of help. Without hesitation, I rushed to his location, hoping to offer some comfort and aid to the poor pup.

When I arrived, I found Geo lying on the ground, his body bruised and battered. His jaw was broken in two places, and he was whining in pain. It was heartbreaking to see such a young and innocent creature in such agony. I wondered how this could have happened to him. Was it a car accident, or had someone intentionally hurt him?

As I approached him, Geo looked up at me with pleading eyes. I offered him some food, and he eagerly ate it, despite the pain. With the help of the caller, we held his lower jaw for him, allowing him to eat without discomfort. There were no other lacerations or fractures on his body, so it seemed that his jaw was the only area of concern.

I named him Geo, after the street he was found on – Genova Street near downtown Houston. I estimated him to be about six months old, just a baby with his whole life ahead of him. It was heart-wrenching to see him in such a state, but I knew that we had to act fast to get him the medical attention he needed.

I took Geo to a clinic for an evaluation and x-rays. The doctor confirmed that his jaw was indeed broken in two places, and he needed specialized care to heal properly. I was relieved that we had caught the injury early, but I knew that the road to recovery would be a long and difficult one.


Geo was fitted with a soft muzzle to hold his jaw in place while we waited for a specialty consult. It was heartbreaking to see him struggle to eat and drink with the muzzle on, but he was a fighter. He learned quickly, and soon he was able to eat and drink on his own, even with the muzzle on.

I started to document Geo’s journey on social media, hoping to raise awareness about the plight of rescue animals and the importance of taking care of them. It was amazing to see the outpouring of support from people all over the world who followed Geo’s story and sent their well wishes.

I was amazed by Geo’s resilience and determination. Despite the pain and discomfort, he never lost his sweet and gentle nature. He was always eager to play and receive affection, even when he was feeling his worst. I knew that he was a special dog, one who had a lot of love to give.

As Geo’s treatment continued, I started to introduce him to new experiences. We went on walks, visited parks, and even took a trip to the hair salon. It was heartwarming to see how much he enjoyed these simple pleasures, and it reminded me of the importance of taking joy in the little things in life.

Thanks to the generosity of a local company, Elite F’ing Meals, Geo was also able to receive bone broth in his diet. The added protein and nutrients were vital to his healing process, and it was heartening to see him thrive under their care.

Eventually, Geo was ready for adoption, and I knew that I had to find the perfect family for him. After a thorough screening process, I found a loving family who cherished him and provided him with all the love and care he deserved. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to Geo, but I knew that he was going to a good home where he would be happy and safe.

Geo’s journey was a difficult one, but it was also filled with hope and